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Who We Are

Get to Know Us

Tosca Seafood is a wet seafood retailer located in Hurstville Central, on top of Hurstville Railway Station. 

Seafood was always a passion of Arthur Toskas and in 1972 he bought Tosca Seafood in Hurstville. After many years of long hours and hard work, Arthur would build the business up to make a living for himself and family.

Centric to Tosca seafood has always been family, throughout the 90,00s Tosca seafood was run by Arthur, Maria, Bill, Cathy and Dim Toskas. Bill Toskas would begin working in 1990 as a 15 year old. Bill would soon take on many roles around Tosca Seafood taking on responsibility to assist his father in operating the business. Overall, Bill has taken on the business and ensured he can always support the local community, partaking in many local fundraising, sponsoring and providing Hurstville with quality seafood.

About: About

Our Quality Standards

Outstanding Service

With years of experience in the industry, Tosca Seafood has been developing its customer relationships in the St George area since 1972. As the top local supplier of Seafood, we’ve become known for our fair prices and amazing quality. Contact us to become another satisfied customer.

About: Quality Standards
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